Sunday, January 13, 2008

2008: Week 3 Forecast (01.13 - 01.19)

Projected Income (+ $730)
2nd Income: $130
Bonus: $600

Projected Expenses (- $247.13)
Cellphone Bill: $34.13
Gas: $50
Groceries: $30
Student Loan Payment: $33
Electronics: $100

Net Result: + $482.87

This should be a very good week for my high yield savings account. I'll be getting a nice 'bonus' from work; by bonus, I mean I did a bunch of extra work and they actually decided to pay me My 2nd Income will cover most of the other weekly expenses. I'm also upgrading the RAM on my MacBook. It was cheaper to upgrade if I didn't go through Apple; so now that my bonus has come in, I'll pull the trigger on that purchase.

My extra payment to the holder of my student loans will go to the principal of my unsubsidized portion. I'd like to put more money towards my student loans since my interest rate is higher than that of any interest I'm bringing in. However, trying to increase the emergency fund as well as saving for an eventual down payment are my current priority. Once those accounts reach the appropriate balance, every extra penny will then be funneled into the student loans.

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