Friday, January 25, 2008

I'll gladly take $600 dollars...

2008: $600
2042: $8214.08

The proposed economic stimulus package definitely makes me a winner. Any tax refunds / rebates received this year are going straight into the Roth IRA I will be opening soon. Once my check shows up, I'll take the value, divide it by the number of months remaining in 2008 and send that much extra into the Roth / month. The wonders of dollar cost averaging will help maximize my investments despite whatever the market decides to do.

At a conservative interest rate of 8%, my 'stimuli' will appreciate 1369%!

I know that I will be receiving at least another $250 back as a refund. By investing the stimulus and my refund, I should get the following numbers at a minimum:

2008: $850
2042: $11636.61

This is the same appreciation rate (give or take a few thousandths of a percentage) but will the extra $250 will yield an result in $3422.53 extra when I'm 59 1/2.

Compounding interest, how I love thee.

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